Chak De India is surely one of this month’s most anticipated films. The Shah Rukh Khan - Yash Raj combo surely cann’t fail. Or can it? Recently Yash Raj Films has been going thorugh quite a bad patch with their two releases this year, Jhoom Barabar Jhoom and Ta Ra Rum Pum not doing that well at the box office.
Chak De India is based on the real life story of an Indian hockey legend Negi, who was charged with match fixing allegations in 1982 when India lost to Pakistan in the Asian Games, New Delhi. Negi was later called back to coach the Indian Women Hockey team. The women’s team, under Negi’s guidance, won gold in 2002 Common Wealth Games.
Shahrukh Khan, who plays the coach’s role in the movie, along with director Shimit Amin, did a lot of research before doing the role. He also spent a lot of time with Negi to understand the character better.
I know all Bollywood fans are waiting with bated breathe for Chak De India to release. So remember the date is August 10th, book your tickets in advance as there is going to be a big rush !!!!
Compiled by: Saurav Chakraborty
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